
Billing System

Technologies used: Laravel, bootstraps 4, Mysql


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Work flow 
Upload excel file. System import data from excel file to mysql database > based on some parameters and condition system completes and generates bills.
There is two types of bill > original bill and markup bill
There is four type of excel file with different header (data) 
1: register telecom companies 
2: Register local/ International countries 
3: register customer 
4: 4 types of Billing format 
5: uploading excel file / importing  
6: calculation 
 Price =. (Local or international / block) * (duration / (60 / block)
 7: markup 
Duration = (price * (60 / block) ) / (local or International / block) 
8. Exporting Bill on Excel Sheet
9. History 
1: larval 
2: mySql
3: Bootstrab 
Work flow 
Upload excel file. System import data from excel file to mysql database > based on some parameters and condition system completes and generates bills.
There is two types of bill > original bill and markup bill
There is four type of excel file with different header (data) 
1: register telecom companies 
2: Register local/ International countries 
3: register customer 
4: 4 types of Billing format 
5: uploading excel file / importing  
6: calculation 
 Price =. (Local or international / block) * (duration / (60 / block)
 7: markup 
Duration = (price * (60 / block) ) / (local or International / block) 
8. Exporting Bill on Excel Sheet
9. History 
1: larval 
2: mySql
3: Bootstrab